The Lost City of Mrauk U, Myanmar
Myanmar is a country full of history and intrigue. Being one of the less explored countries in the Southeast Asia, Burma has kept a lot of its charm and you can see this firsthand when visiting the country’s sites such as the ruins in the lost city of Mrauk U.
A visit to Mrauk U is an excellent place to visit if you have already seen Myanmar’s more visited sites such as Yangon, Mandalay and Bangan. The remote town is not readily visited by tourists, so you are bound to see an untouched and rustic town.
Mrauk U is an archeologically town in Rakhine State. The city was once a capital of an empire which stretched into present-day Bangladesh and into Lower Burma. The Kingdom dealt with the Portuguese, Dutch, French, Arabia and Indian traders and prospered from this exchange. As a result, many pagodas and temples were built with many of these structures still exist for people to see today.
The boat ride to the lost town is a must. On this trip, you will get a preview of the grandeur of Mrauk U. Once you touchdown into Mrauk U, you will see firsthand how the town was like in the 1400’s. Mrauk U is quite remote, so life in the area is pretty traditional and this can be seen when you meet the locals. After experiencing the town’s pagodas and temples, you can learn more about Mrauk U during its prime at the Archaeology Museum.
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Fact File:
Exotissimo arranges tours to The Lost City Of Mrauk U.
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